Slides for the 2024 USTLG meeting

It was wonderful to meet so many Science and Technology Librarians at Imperial College London at USTLG 2024, which took place on the 15th May 2024.

Thanks to our hosts for their warm welcome, for the use of their excellent facilities, and for the tours of the library.

Thanks to CAS for their sponsorship, which enabled us to offer this as a free meeting with lunch and refreshments.

We would also like to thank all our speakers, who presented their research, gave their perspective on the role of the SciTech librarian, and initiated a discussion on the use of GenAI.

Slides are now uploaded to the Past meetings pages.

Thank you to all attendees for sharing their experiences, we hope to organise online meetings in the near future as per the report presented during the meeting, watch this space!

If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact  the USTLG committee.

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USTLG meeting 15th May 2024 programme

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on 15th May 2024.
Theme: Experiences of sci-tech librarianship.
Venue: Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2DB.
Attendance at the meeting is free: the usual charge for lunch is waived thanks to CAS.
Reserve your place via Eventbrite


10.30am – 10.55am: Arrive and register (tea/coffee).
11.00am – 11.05am: Welcome.
11.05am – 11.35am: Laura Woods, Huddersfield: Supporting female engineering students: insights from a PhD literature review.
11.35am – 12.05pm:  Emily Herron, Sheffield: Highs and lows of sci tech librarianship teaching and the impact of GenAI assisted tools.
12.05pm – 12.35pm: Lee Walsh-Benn & Rosie Gibson, CAS: sponsor presentation.
12.35pm – 2.00pm: Lunch – sponsored by CAS.
2.00pm – 2.30pm: Paul Jones, TWI Global: Why, not what: the role of the science and technical library in safety critical decision making.
2.30pm – 3.00pm: Eva Garcia Grau, Royal Holloway: Tips and tricks for Science librarians, a dissertation.
3.00pm – 3.30pm: Kirsty Thomson, Dundee: Doing research whilst working as a librarian.
3.30pm – 3.35pm: Close.

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USTLG meeting 15th May 2024 and organising group

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG) will be held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at Imperial College, London, sponsored by CAS.

A new USTLG organising group is being convened to plan this and future meetings.  If you would like to be a member of the organising group, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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Spring 2023 presentations available

It was wonderful to meet in person again at the University of Sheffield on 17th May 2023.  Great to see familiar faces and also to welcome new members of the group. 

Thank you to our hosts for their warm welcome and for the tours of the Diamond, an innovative 24/7 study space and the Western Bank Library with its current exhibition. 

Thanks to CAS for their sponsorship, which enabled us to offer this as a free meeting.

Thank you to our speakers, drawn from the group, who offered their varied perspectives on sci-tech librarianship and tackled themes from open educational resources to transnational education.

Slides have been uploaded to the Past meetings pages. Recordings – as requested by members who couldn’t make it – will follow.

As always it was lovely to have an informal opportunity to share experiences, pain points and possible solutions with like-minded librarians – over lunch we discussed one-to-one appointments and reference management packages amongst other things. 

We’ve decided to continue with face-to-face meetings every year in May. 

If you would like to be involved in the organisation, suggest a theme or offer to speak, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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USTLG meeting 17th May 2023 programme

The next meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group (USTLG)  will be held on Wednesday 17th May 2023.
Venue: ICOSS building, University of Sheffield, 219 Portobello Sheffield S1 4DP. Theme: Experiences of sci-tech librarianship.
Reserve your place via Eventbrite.
Attendance at the meeting is free. The usual charge for lunch is waived thanks to CAS.


10.30am – 10.55am: Arrive and register (tea/coffee.)
11.00am – 11.05am: Welcome.
11.05am – 11.35am: Oliver Allchin, Emily Herron & Helen Moore, Sheffield: “Textbook tears and traumas: the drive to promote open educational resources (OERs).”
11.35am – 12.05pm:  Chris Whitfield, Rothamsted Research: “Providing a library service for a specialist research institute.”
12.05pm – 12.35pm: Anne Jones & Lee Walsh-Benn, CAS, Sponsor presentation.
12.35pm – 2.00pm: Lunch – sponsored by CAS.
2.00pm – 2.30pm: Laura Woods, Huddersfield: “Teaching information literacy to engineers: early insights from a PhD study.”
2.30pm – 3.00pm: Sam Piker, Brunel: “Academic liaison across the Great (Fire)Wall: supporting transnational education programmes in China.”
3.00pm – 3.30pm: Amanda Brennan & Heather Marshall, Glasgow Caledonian: “’Supporting transnational education in Africa: working in partnership’”
3.30pm – 3.35pm: Close

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USTLG meeting 17th May 2023

The next face-to-face meeting of the University Science and Technology Librarians’ Group will take place on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at the University of Sheffield.

To celebrate meeting in person again, we’d like to invite speakers from the group to talk about their experience of sci-tech librarianship.  If you would like to speak, please drop a line to Carole Rhodes.

Reserve your place via Eventbrite and keep an eye on the USTLG Website for further updates.

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Future USTLG meetings

Thank you for all the supportive suggestions about future USTLG meetings.

There is appetite for face-to-face meetings to facilitate informal networking, making connections and getting to know other sci-tech librarians.

We could have a half-day meeting online during the autumn term and a day meeting face-to-face in the summer term at a venue with good transport links.

If you would like to host a meeting – online or in-person – or to become part of the USTLG organising group, please contact Carole Rhodes.

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June 2022 meeting cancelled

Unfortunately we’ve not had enough sign-ups to make the June 2022 meeting viable, so we’ve taken the difficult decision to cancel.

Please drop a line to Carole Rhodes with your ideas for future meetings: online or in-person, best time of the year to meet, sci-tech themes you would like to address.

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USTLG meeting 24th June 2022: bookings open and call for speakers

We are excited to hold our first face-to-face meeting of the University Science & Technology Librarians’ Group in two years.  Please join us at the University of Kent for this event on Friday 24th June 2022.

The meeting theme is Supporting the switch to Open in STEM.
We’ll discuss how to facilitate and promote open access to research in science, technology, engineering and maths.

As always speakers are drawn from within the group.  If you would like to present, please drop Carole Rhodes an email with a title and a brief description of your talk.  The usual format is 20 mins plus 10 mins for questions.  We can guarantee a friendly audience!

Book your place at

Attendance at the meeting is free and lunch is sponsored by SciFinder-n.

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Spring 2020 presentations available

A very successful online meeting was held on 15th May 2020 with over 50 attendees.
Many thanks to our hosts at the Open University, who really showed us how to do an brilliant online meeting!

Thank you to our inspiring speakers on eTextbooks, licensing and digital content in STEM.  And thanks to all participants for their engagement via the meeting chat and Twitter.  It was great to meet up online and maintain our connection to each other.

Presentation slides are now available from the Past meetings pages. YouTube videos (courtesy of the OU) will follow.

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